Sharat Sahitya Samagra 1, 2


4,999.00 3,499.00

শরৎ সাহিত্য সমগ্র (১-২)

শরৎচন্দ্র চট্টোপাধ্যায়


Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay or Sarat Chandra Chatterjee was one of Bengal’s most prolific and popular novelists and short story writers of early 20th century. He wrote over 30 novels, novellas, and stories. Born in a poor family, Sarat Chandra based many of his novels on his own experiences. He picked many revolutionary topics that included social consciousness and turbulent societal traditions and spun them into endearing and intricate tales. This gained him a following not just in India but abroad as well. Many of his popular novels include ‘Palli Samaj’, ‘Choritrohin’, ‘Devdas’, ‘Nishkriti’, ‘Srikanta’, ‘Griha Daha’, ‘Sesh Prasna’ and ‘Sesher Parichay’. Undeterred by the personal tragedies he faced, he went on to use them as the basis for his novels, adding a more personal touch to his works. He was never a judge of society;


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