Thakurbarir Ranna By Purnima Thakur
Just as music does not belong to the soloist, cooking does not belong only to the cook. Cooking is only worthwhile when it brings joy to the taste buds of others. Indira Devi Choudhurani was not a cook herself, but a connoisseur of good cooking. Whenever he ate any delicious food in the country or abroad, he asked and wrote down its recipe. Thus an invaluable collection of his whole life began to accumulate in a book. He later gifted that book to Purnima Tagore. Most of the recipes in this book are taken from Indira Devi’s cookbook. Most, but not all. The writer’s mother, Nalini Devi, was a very good cook herself. She was the daughter of Thakurbari. Purnima Tagore has learned many recipes from him. He has also taught those recipes and many different recipes collected by himself in this book. All in all, ‘Thakurbari’s cooking’ is a gold mine of great value.
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